пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dustour newspaper

There is a Japanese phrase: okage sama de - "thanks to all that has made it possible." It is said in recognition that, whatever good thing we might be talking about, it did not happen by itself, or because of us alone. Everything for which we are grateful was born of the actions of more beings, animate and inanimate, through space and time, than it would ever be possible to thank.

Yesterday the temperature did not reach a hundred degrees, and a full moon rose over a cool evening. It is now five in the morning, and an hour ago I mixed blueberries, oatmeal and ginger into a cookie dough and put it in the oven. The smell of baking fills the apartment as I type these words while lying on the couch with a sleeping cat by my feet. In the bedroom sleeps a beautiful, brilliant woman, whose existence renders me agape. Soon I will wake her with tea and fresh cookies, and then we will sit zazen together.

Okage sama de.

distribution jobs, dustour newspaper, dustpan, dustpan and brush, dustpan brush.

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