среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

contra this machine kills

So I went to a members party last Sat.� it wasnapos;t the first members party iapos;ve been to, but it was the first time iapos;ve had a sub with me at an IMAS event.� The party was great.� Iapos;ve noticed that as the summer comes to an end more people are coming to the events.� This observation was confirmed by another guest at the party.� The party started out good.� The food was delicous.� Although i have to agree with the host that next time he sends out the invites he needs to give the definition of the word snack.� Once dinner was done the real fun started.� The collars and toys came out of hiding and people got down to doing what is was we came there for.� I must say it is quite an interesting experience to be beating on your submissive while listening to three other couples do the same thing in other rooms.� despite the fact that nobody was watching it makes you want to perform better.� Iapos;m glad that i was able to share that with my joy.� Iapos;m extremely happy that she now understands how i can seperate the SM aspect of the relationship from the physical aspect.
contra this machine kills, contra tuba, contra veritas, contra veritas coloured grey.

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