Let me just give you an idea of my last several months.� Okay actually a briefer on the oxygen beginning and then the last several months.� In November of 2006, Dr. H at Cooks told me to start sleeping with oxygen.� That was a little frightening at first, but I got to really liking it.� His idea was to give me a reserve for the next day.� I got to where I would just put it on during the day whenever I was short of breath - after grocery shopping, carpooling, etc.� In about March of 2007, I started wearing O2 all the time.� At first it is awkward going into public with a tank and cannula on, but after you feel so much better, you donapos;t care.� :)� In May of 2007, I was referred by Dr. H to Dr. R for transplant evaluation, and I never went back to Dr. H.� I LOVE�Dr. H� He is an awesome doctor and a wonderful man, so that was difficult.� I had seen him since I was 17.� Dr. R is just as great, and he has a very different personality.� I donapos;t find myself comparing them at all which is good.� I was evaluated for transplant and "officially" Listed in August of 2007.� I had been on 3 ltrs of O2 for quite a while, and in the last several weeks I had been on 4 ltrs.� When I was admitted to the hospital a month ago, I was doing my PT walks on 6 ltrs, and I ended up on 8 ltrs to keep my O2 sats at 93.� That really made�me mad because I wanted my body to work like I dang well wanted it to.� When your mind doesnapos;t agree with your body, it gets very frustrating.� It was hard to remember that I was limited so much, and I would still try to do things as normal when I could.� Granted I have been basically bed ridden for over a year.� It was exhausting to bathe, and I was wiped walking to the kitchen.� Yes, I could have and should have exercised more, but until you have been there, you will never understand what it is like to only have 16 of your lungs functioning.� My heart rate was getting into the 150s way too easily.� I was so ready to come home from the hospital 17 days ago when I got that fateful phone call.� I was never scared for one second.� Never.� I fully credit that to God and the prayers I have given to Him for peace and surrender and the thanks I have given Him for the bountiful blessings I have recieved.� My family and friends are the most amazing people on the planet, and I am honored to even know them much less be related to them.� Trust me I can be a pain.� The first days after transplant were rough.� I had such pain that one day I broke down crying 3 times.� I NEVER�cry, so KissyBot knew it was bad.� Each day has been more amazing than the next, and the journey is just beginning.� Here I am on day 17, and I walked a flight of stairs today� I walked all my laps and my pulse never got over 125 on the stairwell climb.� My sats stayed 98.� That is some perspective folks. :D
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