понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cheap toddler car seat

Apologies to those bored of the topic now, but this has a number of people including myself fired up.

There is already a demonstration planned outside the VA but Iapos;m not sure that will do enough to enbarass Ben Sumerskill, the Chielf Executive of Stonewall, into realising this isnapos;t just some small group of troublemakers who have nothing better to do but whine about things, which seems to be his view. However, if even one nominee or celebrity refuses to turn up to the event (The Metropolitan Police, itapos;s reported, have already withdrawn their support) because of Julie Bindel, thatapos;s a more major embarassment.

Are there any organisations out there that would feel happy putting their name on the bottom of a letter to the various nominees (I donapos;t mind drafting something for people to approve) pointing out, politely, that Stonewall are anything but champions of diversity? Individuals would be good too but the names of a few established organsations would help make it look less like a bunch of whiners who have nothing better to do. :-)

Another approach is to gather the email addresses/contact details for the same group of people and put them in one place (Ethically, I think I would have to send out a list on request rather than just posting it on the internet) so that people can write to all those we know who have been invited in their own words trying to persuade them to make a stand.

(Now I think about it, perhaps we could get a few badges produced and send them out to nominees, see if we can get anyone to wear some sort of Trans solidarity badge while getting their award...)
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