Yesterday, I got my homework done just as�John called me. It was great timing because I probably wouldapos;ve had a hard time concentrating knowing he was waiting on me to get done.�Regardless, I went over to his house around 10ish last night. While I�was there, he said something really surprising to me.
"I�want to talk. Iapos;m afraid our relationship is going to just be physical, and then when that gets old, weapos;ll have no real relationship."
what guy says that?
It made me feel really good that he actually cares that our relationship is more than just physical. It was just kind of surprising because weapos;re in the beginning stages of our relationship; we donapos;t see each other every day; we are extremely attracted to each other; and we DO talk. I�think he was thinking of it in the way that when we are physically together, we like to have fun rather than sit down and have a conversation about life. We always talk about how our day went/what we did. I�just hope the passion doesnapos;t go away because he wants to talk more than makeout.�
Heapos;s right though. I�would say on the whole when we spend time together, we kiss more than talk. But itapos;s fun Iapos;ll try harder... Iapos;m just extremely attracted to him and want to be all over him when weapos;re alone. Haha.. Thatapos;s so me. Anyway, just wanted to mention that.�
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